Domain DNS Info

Why You Need to Know Your Domain DNS Info

Why You Need to Know Your Domain DNS Info


The majority of internet users probably wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between their domain name server information and their IP address, let alone know why it matters that they know this information. The reality is that your domain name server information, also known as DNS info, can be essential to your business’s online reputation and effectiveness. If you aren’t sure what your domain DNS info is or how to find it, keep reading for an explanation and some insight into why you need to know this information.

How to Register a Domain


The first step in purchasing and setting up your new domain is registering it, which is a simple process that doesn’t require too much of an investment. First, you need to check if your domain has already been taken by typing it into a domain search tool. If it’s available, you can go ahead and register it right away with a domain registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap. If not, try out some different variations until you find one that isn’t being used yet. Once you have your desired name selected, follow these steps: 1) Choose how long (in years) you want to keep your domain registered for—the longer, the more expensive but also more stable. Most people opt for two years at a time; however, if you think there’s any chance of selling or transferring ownership before then (or simply don’t want to pay for an extra year), then one year is fine as well.

How to Buy Web Hosting


Web hosting is essentially a monthly subscription service that allows you to store your website and associated files on another person’s server. It’s extremely important that you purchase web hosting from a reputable company, like Bluehost. And before you do so, it’s critical that you know as much about domain name system information (DNS info) as possible. Understanding domain DNS info can help ensure your site’s success and longevity. But why? Let’s take a look.

Every time someone types in your site address in a browser window or follows a link from elsewhere online, they reach what’s called an IP address. This number—your IP address—is how computers identify one another across networks and how internet routers know where to send data packets. Before being able to connect to any webpage on your site or even see what it says, visitors must first reach its corresponding IP address by typing it into their browser’s URL bar or by following a link from an external source. If that seems confusing right now, don’t worry! That’s completely normal.

What is MX Records?


If you’re sending mail, then you need to know how MX records work. If you’ve ever had an email bounce or failed delivery because it was sent to an address that didn’t exist, chances are your mail provider used MX records. Here’s a brief overview of what they do and how they can help ensure your mail gets delivered correctly (and safely). And it won’t just be emails – which is why knowing your domain’s MX records is important for more than just sending messages; virtually all internet communication uses them.

How Do I Get an SSL Certificate?


An SSL certificate tells your visitor that a website is safe. The reason for an SSL Certificate is that a site will give your users peace of mind when they’re doing online transactions like shopping or banking. If you don’t have an SSL Certificate, you’re running in some risk of losing credibility with your customers. An SSL Certificate means that a site has passed security tests and been approved by a trusted third-party organization (known as a Certification Authority). It’s similar to how government organizations review liquor or food products before letting them go on sale—but it happens digitally. When considering domain dns info, be sure you know all about getting yourself an SSL Certificate!


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