Domain DNS Checker

Domain DNS Checker: How to Check If Your Domain Name is Available

Domain DNS Checker


Have you ever wanted to start your own business but been afraid to because someone else might take your idea? If so, you’re not alone — most new business owners go through the same thought process. However, a simple way to ensure this doesn’t happen to you is to use a domain name DNS checker when deciding on a domain name. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to do this! Below, we outline three of the easiest methods that are also entirely free.

What exactly is a domain name?


A domain name, also known as a Domain Name System (DNS), represents your website and is an essential component of any web page. Every website, and everything on it, needs a domain name to be accessed by web browsers. The domain DNS checker allows users to quickly see whether or not their desired domain name is available, allowing them to register a new one easily if it’s not. This process can be completed free by a professional computer user or with specialized software tools.

Top 4 Things to Know When Choosing a Domain


You can’t have a successful website without choosing a domain name. Ideally, you want something short, memorable, and easy to spell. But how do you know if it’s available? Domain name registrars like GoDaddy offer domain-DNS checker services that tell you if your desired web address is available. Try out these four tips for a seamless domain selection process.

  1. Search with multiple domain extensions: When searching for a domain, don’t limit yourself to .com or .net
  2. domains; try searching with other extensions (like .org or .info). The same goes for using hyphens (-) or underscores (_) in your domain—try both! Also, ensure you aren’t inadvertently blocking people from reaching your site by using an extension like www in front of your URL; only use www when necessary.
  3. Make sure all variations are available: In addition to checking whether a URL is available with one extension, ensure all variations of that URL are free. For example, you may want to ensure a business.example is available before settling on my business site.example.
  4. Find alternate spellings: Think about different ways someone might search for your domain name, and then run a second search with alternate spelling options included in quotes after your chosen word(s). For example, what happens if you own an upscale clothing store if someone mistypes fashion as fashion or fashion? Be sure such options are still available before finalizing registration so visitors can find your site later down the road.
  5. Use a domain checker tool: There’s no need to do all these searches manually; instead, try using a service like GoDaddy’s Domain-DNS Checker. It automatically checks all variations of your desired URL, including international versions and hyphenated forms (like .com-hyphens), along with multiple extensions (like .com/.net/.org).

What Is .COM Domains?


.COM domain names have been around since 1985, making them older than almost any other TLD or top-level domain name (i.e., ending in .COM). But they’re still among the most popular on the web today. Though you can register domains with just about any TLD—from .com to .wtf—you should choose your TLD carefully if you plan on building an online business; it’s no secret that search engine rankings are based mainly on what comes before your dot-com. So what is the best way to make sure people will find you? Make sure that it starts with a dot-com! But how do you know if your desired choice of TLD is available? Domain DNS checker makes finding out easy.

Is My Domain Name Free?


You can use two main tools to check if a domain name is available – free and paid. They’re reasonably straightforward in each case, and we’ll walk you through how they work. Before jumping into these links, it’s worth noting that registering a new domain name isn’t always easy. You may find your preferred domain name has been taken by someone else, so you’ll need to start thinking of alternatives or considering bidding in an auction. When trying out any of these tools for yourself below, remember that keeping your chosen domain short (7-12 characters) will increase its chances of being available on most platforms.


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