What is a subdomain example and when should it be used?

What is a subdomain example and when should it be used? In short, it is a name that represents the IP address of your website on the World Wide Web. However, with the growth of Internet usage, it has become difficult for users and website visitors to remember IP addresses.

Therefore, the idea of ​​​​a domain name is a great idea to facilitate access to websites on the Internet. The domain name is in the form: WWW.DOMAINNAME.COM, as it consists of 3 main parts, namely WWW, which is an abbreviation for the term World Wide Web, which means that the browser you want to visit has a presence Online.

What is a subdomain example? 

What is a subdomain example
What is a subdomain example

The main domain name usually consists of two parts: the website name and the domain name suffix For example, my domain www.lmorched.com is the primary domain. for subdomains.

The WWW in any link or domain name can be replaced with other letters or words or sub-domains can be created without losing the main domain name, so that these sub-domains are under the main domain name of your website.

There is no additional cost, and it is also one of the services provided by the hosting company when booking a basic name or domain name. 

This domain or sub-domain is used to create a completely different new website that is not related to your original website, because creating a new website will require you to contract with the hosting company again at a new cost.

You can also create a new website using your main domain name without taking these steps.

Advantages of using subdomains

Continuing to talk about what is the example of a subdomain, here are its most important features as follows: 

  • It’s cheap because once you have the main domain, you can create any subdomains you want provided your hosting company allows you to do so.
  • Create subdomains from your main domain to motivate search engines to rate and display your website on the first page.
  • It’s easy to create a standalone site In addition, downloading, creating or installing any of these files will not affect your original site.
  • If your original website ranks high in the search engines this will have a positive effect on the sub-domain, and benefit from quickly indexed rankings.

Learn with us the importance of the domain 

In the context of talking about what is a subdomain example, a domain name is very important, especially when choosing a unique domain name that reflects the quality of your page. The importance of having a domain name is as follows:

Gain credibility

Having your own domain name is one of the factors that increase your credibility, especially when the site is in the e-commerce business.

Also, hosting your website on a secondary domain can greatly reduce customer trust, so it is best to get a strong and reliable domain.

I get your website’s email address

A strong domain name guarantee is one of the great advantages of having emails with the same domain name, which increases the credibility of the transaction.

Ability to create multiple secondary domains

With cPanel or your domain hosting control panel, you can easily create multiple second-level domain names according to your hosting company’s specifications, and the more access you have to those second-level domain names, the more incentive you’ll get to master the domain name.

Promote easily

Your domain name can clearly display the name of your store or website compared to other types, making it easier for customers to remember and visit your domain name.

Different types of domain

What is a subdomain example
What is a subdomain example

In our view of what is an example of a subdomain, domain names are classified according to their extensions as follows:

There are three types of top-level domains:

  • Top-level domains and domain names ending in org. – .net – .com etc.
  • Also Country Code Top Level Domains: Include country codes such as .sa .eg and other country abbreviations.
  • International ccTLD: Two parts with a period in the middle, eg .com.eg.
  • Third-level domain name: It consists of three parts separated by a colon, such as but not limited to blogspot.com.eg.

The most famous domains 

 .com Domain Name: It is considered one of the most used domain names in the world to refer to an entity or company, in addition to: 

  • .net domain: Refers to a network.
  • .edu domain: This domain is used for educational websites belonging to different educational institutions.
  • .org domain names: Domain names used by non-profit organizations.
  • .tv domain: used to represent satellite channels.
  • .eg: used by Egyptian public and private companies. 

How does the domain name reach the browser?

As we discussed with the example of a subdomain, the domain name is associated with what is called a domain server which is the record that holds the domain name and turns it into an IP address.

 It is a primary server that must exist in the data center and in the company that provides the hosting services, because it receives requests from web browsers to a server that transmits name ranges to IP addresses.

The link between domain name and hosting is to add a name server (your website is hosted on this server) in the domain name DNS through the domain name control panel. 

After writing the domain name in the URL, search through the DNS, that is, the name server of the domain name in the name server is a system that stores domain information on it.

When can a website subdomain be used?

As we showed what a subdomain example is, when you think about subdomains you should think carefully.

Here are the most common reasons for deciding to use subdomains within the root domain: 

Meet the needs of different product lines or markets

What is a subdomain example
What is a subdomain example

As we discussed about what a subdomain example is, subdomains can be very useful when you have a large and extensive business that caters to multiple markets.

For example, you might have a major website that caters to different markets and languages ​​around the world.

Alternatively, you can target different areas that are completely unrelated to each other. If this is the case, using subdomains will help differentiate each group of users you’re targeting, so there’s no cross-pollination.

Separate dedicated site resources section

 Maybe you run a website that needs an extended resource or education section, this content is often heavy so you need a way to present this content in an organized and easy to navigate way. 

So here you will use subdomains to create separate parts of your website.

Host your company blog

As we have given the example of a subdomain, some website owners may want to isolate their affiliate blog to separate it from the rest of the websites, it is no longer the most popular method but it may have certain advantages depending on the type of website you are running.

Who is responsible for the domain name system? 

In our view of what a subdomain is, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) administers the domain name system, a non-profit organization that creates and implements domain name policies.

 ICANN allows domain name registrants to sell domain names, and domain registrars can make changes to your domain registration on your behalf.

Domain name registrants can sell domain names and manage their records, renewals, and transfers to other registrars.

As the domain owner, it is your responsibility to tell the registrar where to send the request. You are also responsible for renewing your domain name registration.

How do you choose a domain name for your website?

As we provided what is a subdomain example, here are some quick tips to help you choose a domain name for your website: 

  • Stick with the .com domain because it’s the most popular, easy to remember, and easy to promote.
  • Keep it short and easy to remember.
  • Do not use numbers or hyphens.
  • Make it easy to pronounce and spell.
  • Use the domain name generator to come up with smart domain name ideas. 

How to create a subdomain

What is a subdomain example
What is a subdomain example

Log in to your web hosting account and go to cPanel, then follow these steps: 

  • Find the Domains section and click on Subdomains.
  • Add the name you would like to use for your subdomain in the field provided.
  • For example, if you want to create a subdomain for your blog, you have to enter a blog in the field.
  • Select the domain name to use for the subdomain from the dropdown list.
  • If you want to create a subdirectory for your subdomain, enter the name of the directory you want to use in the document root field.
  • Leave this field blank if you do not want to create subdirectories.
  • Click Create.

Disadvantages of using subdomains

As we talked about the example of a subdomain, although subdomains can be used for many purposes, they are not suitable for all situations, in fact they have some notable drawbacks.

Here are the biggest disadvantages that you will encounter when using subdomains and they are: 

More work needs to be done on long-term assets

When you use subdomains, you are actually creating another asset to maintain. It’s easier if you use a subdomain to create your support site.

However, if you are creating a completely separate site, it will actually double your business.

It can create an inconsistent brand experience

Speaking of what is a subdomain example, if you are planning to host your company blog on a subdomain, then you should consider maintaining a consistent brand experience.

Even if you use a different CMS or platform than your main website, we recommend that you consider creating a unique brand experience that remains the same no matter where the user is on the site.

If you are using a separate CMS, it may be difficult to match your existing design or you may have to hire a professional designer. 

Possible negative impact on search engine optimization

When we talk about what a subdomain example is, we’ll explore this in more depth below, but there are potential SEO issues that can arise when using subdomains.

Generally Google will display standard domains and subdomains as one site but this is not always the case.

When you browse the search results for any particular keyword, you may find that the main domain appears more often than the subdomain. 

How do domain names work with hosting?

Continuing to know what is the example of a subdomain, we may find that hosting and domain name or domain are two different services, but they are two things that work together to get the best results.

We’ve found that without a domain name, visitors won’t be able to find your website name and without hosting, you simply won’t be able to create your own website and upload files.

In order for the domains to work with the hosting, the user or the owner of the website must link them by changing the DNS settings and the hosting mode, and the linking process is done through the domain control panel, which saves the user from the trouble of saving the website IP, which is the basis of the website domain name registration system.

Frequently Asked Questions 

As we have shown what is the example of a subdomain, the following are the most important questions: 

Can I cancel my domain name registration?

Some domain registrars allow you to cancel your domain registration at any time. If you cancel your registration, others will be able to register.

Other domain registrars allow you to let your domain registration expire.

In most cases, you will not get any refund for your domain name registration, however some domain registrars have refund policies that you may want to discuss with them before canceling your registration.

If auto-renewal is not turned on, your domain name will expire at the end of the paid registration period.

 Can I move my website to another domain name?

Yes you can, you can point your domain name to your hosting server, you can also make both domains point to the same website. 

Can domain names be sold?

If you are looking for what is a sub domain example, yes you can sell your domain name, domain names are similar to real estate on the web, there is a huge demand for well branded custom domain names.

Business domain names are a multi-million dollar industry and because domain names are so cheap, the most savvy entrepreneurs are always looking for great domain name ideas.

If you want to sell your domain name, there are plenty of marketplace sites where you can list domain names for sale.

What is domain privacy? do i need it

ICANN requires people who register domain names to provide email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information to the public.

Domain Name Privacy is a separate add-on service sold by domain name registrars that allows you to view proxy information instead of your actual personal information.

You do not need to purchase domain privacy if you do not want to, however, if you are concerned about privacy, you can purchase this service for a small fee.

However, search engines consider it duplicate content, which may affect your search rankings.

Read more: How cheap is a domain?

How can I buy a domain name?

What is a subdomain example
What is a subdomain example

In conjunction with what an example of a subdomain is, you can buy a domain name from one of many domain registrars

However, purchasing a domain name does not automatically entitle you to hosting services. For this, you also need a web hosting account.

Many hosting companies offer domain registration services, with which you can manage both services under one account and not worry about changing your domain name server settings.

In conclusion, we have talked at length about what an example of a subdomain is, and we have also learned about the advantages of using subdomains, in addition to how to create a subdomain.

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